
An interview with Jordan Potash on the relationship between art therapy and social democracy

For the Winter Issue of BAAT’s semi-annual newsletter InSight, I was privileged to interview Jordan Potash, Associate Professor at George Washington University and Editor-in-Chief of Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. In this article, he shares his views on the relationship between art therapy and social democracy.


The creative therapies, young people and self harm

On 17th October, Dr Vlad Kolodin and I will be at the University of Oxford for the Big Emerging Minds Summitt. Here, we’ll be presenting the outcomes of our special interest research group on the potential of creative therapies to address self-harm in young people. Our amazing young researchers have also created short films on their experiences and the outcomes which we will be sharing during and after the conference. We are really looking forward to this event! ~ Julia

The impact of the arts on the well-being of young people


The Arts, Health and Wellbeing,  is a recent report by the Cultural Learning Alliance and Place2B addressing youth mental health and the impact of the arts. The short report is certainly worth the read, but a few key points are highlighted below:

Mental health:

  • Young people are twice as likely to report feeling depressed than their 1980 counterparts
  • Youth in the UK rank a worrying 14th out of 15 countries for well-being
  • The annual cost of metal ill health is between £11,030 and £59,130 per child

Prevention and the arts:

International wellbeing comparison

This just in from the London Art and Health Form’s news letter. www.laf.org.uk

International wellbeing comparison

The Office for National Statistics has released a set of data comparing wellbeing levels in the UK with other countries. The data examines health, cultural participation and wellbeing and shows that while Britain is financially better off than before the economic downturn of 2008, overall life satisfaction has decreased.

The report measures changes in the economy and public reports of health and wellbeing over the period 2007-2014. In terms of health and wellbeing, the UK is performing at a similar level to countries like France but less well than Scandinavian countries. It is notable that in countries where income inequality has dropped over the period (such as Iceland) overall life satisfaction has increased. The UK saw relatively high levels of cultural participation over the period but relatively low levels of engagement in sport. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of people in the UK reported being in good or better health in 2013, higher than the international average of 68%
