
Can creative people lead?

Are Creative Types lousy Leaders? (

Research typically gets caught up in a game of Chinese whispers once it reaches the media and then takes on a life of its own. Less interesting than the actual research which seems narrow, is the heated debate that surrounds the topic of ‘the relationship between creativity and leadership.’ If the question is whether or not creative people are capable of rising to leadership roles, it is important to consider the context of that role. Creative people are ground breakers and innovators, they are not followers which is probably the main reason why they are not often found in corporate or government ranks (where right wing views tell us leaders congeal), but rather out in the world starting entrepreneurial ventures. I think creative people are difficult to harness, less because they are ‘quirky’ and more because they are visionaries who are reluctant to tow somebody else’s party line. If creative aren’t rising to the top of corporations…I doubt it is so much a case of ‘not being able to lead’, as ‘not being drawn to environments that have not yet learned the skill of how to nurture, celebrate and reap the benefits of creativity’. I somehow think we create types aren’t the ones missing the opportunity….

Exploring Creativity Workshop in Review

A Sample of feedback from our Exploring Creativity Workshop participants:

“Thanks to all of you for a most stimulating and enjoyable day. The setting was great as were all those involved. Hope to see more of you.”

“Thank you very much for enabling me to participate in these sessions; and to share them with others whom I found unfailingly interesting. It was a great pleasure and a valuable experience.”

“I was amazed at how far we could go in so little time.”

“The mix of creative forms worked beautifully.”

“I genuinely thought the whole day, the structure, the content and the thought that had gone into organising it was fantastic.”

“This will spur me to find some time for myself and my creativity.”

“I approached it an open (but fundamentally cynical way..) and was pleasantly surprised by every session, they all can be applied to my life.”

“The rooms, the arrangements and the organisations were all supurb.”


Exploring Creativity

~A one day workshop and symposium~

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Create time for a  stimulating day of writing, sculpture, drawing

and engaging group discussion

 in the beautiful setting of Orleans House Gallery, Twickenham

Saturday, March 21st, 2009.

10:00 – 5:00





Programme of events:


“Inventing Confidence” – an introductory talk examining the role of self-belief in creativity

“The Organic Process of Writing” – in this hands-on workshop Novelist and Writing Coach Jacqui Lofthouse dispels the myths around planning in advance.

“Drawing from Within” – a practical drawing workshop suitable for all levels with Artist and Life Coach, Lee Campbell

“Creating Visual Goals” – focus your aspirations using sculpture and metaphor with Conceptual Artist, Julia Ruppert

“Ornament and Perception” – explore the impact sculpture has had through history on our experience of the landscape with Antiquarian, Sharon Powell







£75.00 per person including materials, refreshments and lunch. 

Please call 07711 938 921 for more information or email